The articles

Well we have Articles of Impeachment, and though they are narrowly drafted around Obstruction of Congress and Abuse of Power, the Monday hearings didn’t offer any substance leading to them.  Maybe…

I listened to about half of the Barry Berke testimony.  Looks like you can say anything you want when are given a pass from testifying under oath.  He was patently wrong in asserting Sondland testified there was a quid pro quo.  Sondland presumed.

In any event.

I’ve already scribbled in these pages about the possibility of charging the President with obstruction.  He clearly was not helpful to the House and the adjudicator of disputes between Houses of Congress and the President are generally the courts (reference the subpoena of Trump financial and tax documents) though often the Supreme Court declines to intervene and folk just have to work it out. So if the House chooses approve this charge they’ve every right to do it though it be a colossal waste of time as I believe the President will be acquitted.

And on abuse of power?  It’s the responsibility of the President to put the squeeze on other countries to secure “favors” in exchange for money and other types of support.  So we didn’t get a “quid pro quo” or a “bribery” article.

The question is did the President apply the powers of his office to pressure Ukraine to get them to intervene in the 2020 election?  A lot of people seem to think so, but direct evidence is scant.  Did he ask they look into Biden’s pressuring the previous Ukraine administration for the benefit of his (Biden’s) son?  Yes.  Is the abuse of power?  Is this in attempt to affect Biden’s chances in the 2020 election?  Maybe.  Is this in attempt to determine the extent of corruption during the Obama administration?  Maybe.  Is it just a stream of consciousness connection of suspected Ukrainian interference in 2016?  Maybe.  Who knows.  President Trump will be acquitted on this charge because it is too risky for either party to dig very deep.  So the most we’ll get is “that was not a good thing to do” sentiment to make lawmakers on both sides feel good enough to get some sleep after the trial.

The few Representatives suggesting censure the most sane people in Washington.  Gives them all a chance for formally scold the President which is the most they can hope to succeed with.

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